Ventsquare is a volunteer-driven not-for-profit successor to
. We are not affiliated with them, but we aim to be similar in
scope and we focus on providing a FREE site for you to match
and vent/listen with like-minded strangers.
A Few Things to Keep in Mind:
All users are anonymous and your chat is as reasonably
secure as anything else on the internet.
You may block users who are abusive to you.
You should excercise all due caution and do not use this
site if you are in a genuine crisis situation, for that,
contact your local professionals.
For Listeners:
Remember, the important thing is to listen, venters come
here hoping for a shoulder to lean on. Don't be a jerk,
and don't assume you know everything. Be supportive.
For Venters:
Just because you came here to vent don't expect everyone
to agree with you all the time. You should be honest about
your feelings and situation and be open to hearing
feedback, that's why you're here, right?
For Everyone:
You should remain civil and genuine in your discussions.
This is not a place for hurtful or abusive behavior.
Remember that even though it is the internet, you are
talking to a real person with thoughts, feelings,
concerns, cares, positives and negatives. We all know the
world seems to be pulling itself apart at the seams right
now. Any idiot can break it down more, but it takes real
character to put it back together.
Technical Problems?
We want to fix them!
Email us at
. Seriously, email us. Chances are if you are encountering an
issue, so is someone else.
This site is powered by a modified version of
this project
. We must advise that this link is somewhat NSFW and you click at
your own risk, but even though the project is open source it
wouldn't be fair to reuse so much code without crediting.